V1.0.0 Announcement

I am slowly running myself into a dead end and burning myself out working on this game. As I said, I've had very little free time lately and therefore not very long to work on the game, but I've still been trying my hardest.

I don't like this feeling like I owe anyone to continue this alpha support, so I've decided  to rework the half-finished Alpha 1.3.0 into Modern Game Dev 1.0.0 by adding in more features than previously planned and hopefully doing enough to be able to close the book on Modern Game Dev for a while.

I don't want to make any promises on release dates as I think this calls for me to stop rushing out updates with bugs in them like I've known to have done. All I can say is I've set myself the deadline of April 1st as a worst case scenario.

As always, please provide feedback in any way shape or form as it all helps me design the next update, please play Alpha 1.2.2 and let me know what you think. Thanks for reading!


A1.2.2 WINDOWS 352 MB
9 days ago

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